PAC Volunteers Needed!
To: Aurora Middle School Student Parents and Guardians
RE: July 2&3, 2022 Casino Volunteers Required
Aurora Thunder Parent Fundraising Committee 2022 Casino is on the weekend of July 2 & 3,2022 (Saturday/Sunday) in Fort McMurray. We require 13 Volunteers who can offer a firm commitment. This requires the support and time of our parents. The projected monies per casino is approximately $36,000. This is where the majority of our funds come from to pay for school trip bussing, support of programs (Science Olympics, Outdoor Education, Swimming, etc.), additions to school grounds such as the frisbee golf installations, plus other supports which would not be made available without these monies.
We need to give AGLC a reply back as soon as possible on whether we will be accepting these dates or not. If we do not have 13 responses guaranteeing commitment by Tuesday, March 15, 2022 we will then withdraw from these dates and go back on the list with an unknown date for rescheduling. Recognizing it could be an additional 18 months from July before another date is received. If we have to decline this will have an impact on the ability to support the students as our funds will be less.
If you are able to commit and volunteer July 2 & 3,2022 or would like further details please call or text Joyce Cloutier at (780) 623-8203.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” ~ Helen Keller
Thank you,
Aurora Thunder Parent Fundraising Committee